Exoplanet disappears in latest Hubble observations

The object, called Fomalhaut b, was first announced in 2008. It was clearly visible in several years of Hubble observations that revealed it was a moving dot. Now it has vanished and scientists seek for a plausible explanation.

The Universe may not look the same in all directions

One of the core assumptions of astronomy is that the universe appears the same in all directions, or it is isotropic. However, a recent study suggests that may not be the case. 

Even More Repeating Fast Radio Bursts Discovered

The CHIME radio telescope array has detected nine new fast radio bursts on repeat, which are revealing things about this strange phenomenon.

How Possible Life Is In The Universe

It's calculated that, thanks to rapid inflation, the universe may contain more than 1 googol (10^100) stars, and if this is the case then more complex, life-sustaining RNA structures are more than just probable, they're practically inevitable.

Weird "Vanishing Stars" Could Potentially Be Extraterrestrials

A comparative analysis of historical and contemporary astronomical data has resulted in the discovery of approximately 100 star-like objects that unexpectedly vanished. These strange occurrences are likely natural, but scientists say alien technology is a remote possibility.

Something is syncing the movements of galaxies

Scientists have been gathering a growing well of evidence that our universe may be connected via a vast array of large-scale "structures" that seem to reach out across the cosmos to synchronize the movements of galaxies that are separated by vast distances.

A planet that should not exist

Astronomers detected a giant planet orbiting a small star. The red dwarf GJ 3512 is located 30 light-years from us. The planet has much more mass than theoretical models predict.

Repeating Signals From Across Space

  • 11 Sep 2019

FAST has picked up a repeating space signal known as a fast radio burst. Known as FRB 121102: first picked up in 2012 at the Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico, it's appeared several times since. Its origin remains a mystery. 

Milky Way's Black Hole Has Grown 75 Times as Bright for a Few Hours

Observing Sagitarius A ( a supermassive balck hole in the center of our galaxy ) with the Keck's telescope, scientists just watched as its brightness bloomed to over 75 times normal for a few hours. Astronomers aren’t certain what caused the flaring. 

Hubble uncovers black hole that shouldn't exist

As if black holes weren't mysterious enough, astronomers have found an unexpected thin disk of material furiously whirling around a supermassive black hole at the heart of the magnificent spiral galaxy NGC 3147, 130 million light-years away.    

The mystery of the galaxy with no dark matter

Researchers have clarified one of the mysteries of 2018 in the field of extragalactic astrophysics: the supposed existence of a galaxy without dark matter. New results show that the galaxy is "normal" with dark matter present.

A Very Rare Planet Discovered

Astronomers have discovered a very unusual planet in a distant solar system. The planet, called NGTS-4b, is three times the size of Earth, and about 20% smaller than Neptune and hotter than our very own Mercury.

Repeating Radio Waves From Deep Space Intrigue Scientists

Astronomers in Canada have detected a mysterious volley of radio waves from far outside our galaxy. What corner of the universe these powerful waves come from and the forces that produced them remain unknown.

NASA's Technosignatures Report is Out

Technosignatures are what we humans would recognize as signs of technologically-advanced activity of an extraterrestrial intelligence.

Astronomers spot another object that flickers like Tabby’s star

This object, a star, could have some sort of orbiting debris that periodically blocks the starlight, but researchers say they need more observations to figure out if that’s possible or if the flicker is caused by something else.